Run your car on gas with water-fumes combined in order to boost your mileage up to 35% ;-)


I welcome you to my little blog here, that is part of something HUGE!!! is my direct link and inspiration and affiliation!
I hope you find what you are looking for overhere, and most of all, the information which is on the motherwebsite, which is huge!
It took me more than an mere 2 hours to read everything, see all the supporting documentation, audio, video etc.
And the more I read the more excited I got.
Even if you are cautious or a critic, (from 1987 when I got here the first time, I still remember the gasoline was only $0.67 per gallon)look at the price of gas now $4.05 if you lucky!
Enough said: let's do something about it......................;-)

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Welcome again

This is nice to finally have something to get really excited about, for starters I put the videos from You Tube on the right hand side to get you instantly familiar with the sheer scope that this is big and it is to big to be trown away or broomed underneath somekind of rug!
We are fed up with the high gasoline and diesel prices on the pump that we so desperate need every day of our lives in order to survive and to pay our bills and to keep a roof above our heads (at this time I am unemployed for the last 3 weeks ,so I know how most of you feel out there, so don't think for a second that I don't care, because I do) !
Please leave a comment and or feedback behind and if you need a response let me know , so I can respond back!
May God bless you(if I can still say this overhere, in order to be politically correct, or may your Suprime Being be with you)

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