Run your car on gas with water-fumes combined in order to boost your mileage up to 35% ;-)


I welcome you to my little blog here, that is part of something HUGE!!! is my direct link and inspiration and affiliation!
I hope you find what you are looking for overhere, and most of all, the information which is on the motherwebsite, which is huge!
It took me more than an mere 2 hours to read everything, see all the supporting documentation, audio, video etc.
And the more I read the more excited I got.
Even if you are cautious or a critic, (from 1987 when I got here the first time, I still remember the gasoline was only $0.67 per gallon)look at the price of gas now $4.05 if you lucky!
Enough said: let's do something about it......................;-)

Networking and advertising for FREE!

Click Here
APW National Car Care Month 2
468x60 AutoSport

Sunday, May 11, 2008 for al your referrals CASH!!!!!!
Overhere we finally have a program in Beta format (so still free to sign up and they pay you for all your links connected to your blog/site in a 3 tier system starting at 10% , for life ;-)plus all the links in your post, therefore getting more inbound links established for the spiders, for free and they pay you for a better pagerank!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

centemax car kit that make your car run on water 100% guaranteed or your money back

here you can find detailed information on how to run your car on WATER which is very appropriate for my site;-)

Click Here!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Free Tips to Save Gas and Lower Your Auto Expenses on Squidoo

At this side you get functional and practical tips on how to save money in this day and age that gas is at some places already more than $4 per gallon with a you tube video,

Free Tips to Save Gas and Lower Your Auto Expenses on Squidoo

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kung Fu Panda


The new don't miss out on this opportunity 1000 people signing up daily!Awesome graphics and instead of overhere you actually get PAID for your review, participation, etc. check it out ,why not, you got nothing to loose and only money to gain!;-)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Motorola Sale!!!!!! Milage Logger!

Overhere you can get your hands on the first ever Mileagelogger from Motorola, no more hassle writing miles down(I hate that every morning) instead one time setup with detailed graphs,and statements downloadable for your taxes and your CPA, awesome.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Auto Parts Store

Overhere you can get your hands on one of the biggest parts stores on the Internet, especially for those hard to get parts for those old-timers,hot-rods,etc this is the place to go, tell your friends and family about it.

APW National Car Care Month 2

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Classic Import Cars to the Netherlands!

Top of the line imported cars from the United States to Europe in particular to the Netherlands, any make or model to your specifications to order shipped over to Rotterdam per container and/or parts or miscellenious.

This site is featured by my brother, just ask for Johnny;-)
overhere you can leave your info behind for information and/or investment-opportunities!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ebay link
Anything for the automotive enthusiast!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shop at K-mart

Overhere I found some parts that I could use for my setup;-)

Shop at!
Overhere you can find PLENTY of caraccesories that you can use for your car,truck,van,suv,camper,etc.

Friday, March 14, 2008


From 11 mpg to 18 mpg with 223000 miles on the counter, with a new catalytic converter installed and my frontmuffler fixed(reset my enginecodes)new shocks installed on the front and my water4gas jar working boosting my mpg from 11 to 18 (456 miles divided by 25.1 gallons regular unleaded, AWESOME thank you Water4gas! unbelieveble!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pay Per Play income streams!

New Pay Per Play income stream !!! for this blogsite only, just hit the link and get to work in order to set it up for yourself, check it out for yourself!;-)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

$100 per barrel for OIL!!!

It is finally here, like we needed this nightmare, politicians and 35000 lobbyists with your tax-dollars at work, time for an alternative! ah ...........find it, what a relief, an extra 35% efficiency right about now would be nice!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ds Lindsay Williams very interesting for you guys to check out what our government is hiding!

PAY IT FORWARD for MYLOT Friends only!

Ok here it is, i try to keep it as simple as I can for you guys that are not so familiar with the internet,etc, just leave your comment here (with or without your link, or let me know what else I can do for you)and I will post your comment and/or link right away, I am checking hourly for updates in peakhours and/or daily otherwise!


Monday, January 28, 2008

100% watercar in Canada in 2003 (for high speed DSL) (for dial up speed)Check this out in order to see a car that runs 100% on water, added with salt as an electrolite and or seawater, and a very cheap alloy!

air car!

At this link you will see a complete line of vehicles from TATA motor inc. (who was in the news 2 weeks ago with their $2500 car)in India, since 2002. check it out!
it is also called MDI car or CAT (Compressed Air Technology)

Supplemental water to car
check out this link which is excaxtly the same as I am talking about and come back overhere if you are still not convinced!!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Mileage!

Hi Guys,

With nearly 9000 satisfied customers worldwide and 600 registered manufacturers, Water4Gas is quickly becoming the web's standard for DIY technology to save fuel using WATER!

They are running a limited-time Gift Special

On top of a great product to convert any car to BURN WATER, they offer these gifts for a limited time :

1. A gift software to watch 3000 TV channels, as well as
full-feature movies, sports and more--on your PC!

2. Two fun e-book for the whole family.

(Deadline unknown, may disappear any moment.)

If you've been searching for a unique GIFT that can be sent by email, or want to SAVE $$$ ON FUEL, grab this deal that's perfect for this time of rising gas costs:

(To see the gifts click the banner "Special Gifts")

Happy Mileage!

Klaas hayo haitsma


VERY LITTLE WATER is needed...
1 quart/1 Litre of water (see photo) may last for MONTHS of driving. How come? That's because this small device forces each Gallon of water to expand into gigantic proportions: 1833 Gallons of combustible gas!!!

Here's the best-kept secret the energy lords have been keeping from you about Hydrogen-On-Demand:

Nothing for Nothing.................or not?

What This Will Do For You:
When I was a child, my father was always telling me how impossible it was to get energy out of nothing. He was right - it's impossible to get it out of nothing - but the scientists "forgot" to tell him that water is not "nothing" - WATER IS A VERY POWERFUL FUEL. All you need is the right "match" to ignite it and BANG!

Wait a minute! If you're thinking now "if water - when converted to gas - is explosive, isn't it dangerous?" NO, IT IS NOT DANGEROUS, due to several factors that you will see in a minute. I've been driving with it every day for over a year and have 100's of other drivers using technology in very hot and very cold climates - it is totally SAFE and if it wasn't safe would be out of business before the end of the day. The way we release water energy is very safe and it will be ignited only by the strong spark inside your engine!

Welcome again

This is nice to finally have something to get really excited about, for starters I put the videos from You Tube on the right hand side to get you instantly familiar with the sheer scope that this is big and it is to big to be trown away or broomed underneath somekind of rug!
We are fed up with the high gasoline and diesel prices on the pump that we so desperate need every day of our lives in order to survive and to pay our bills and to keep a roof above our heads (at this time I am unemployed for the last 3 weeks ,so I know how most of you feel out there, so don't think for a second that I don't care, because I do) !
Please leave a comment and or feedback behind and if you need a response let me know , so I can respond back!
May God bless you(if I can still say this overhere, in order to be politically correct, or may your Suprime Being be with you)


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